"Let It Go": a Metaphor for Weaning Off Antidepressants?
"Let It Go": Embracing Authenticity and Breaking Free
Unmasking the Metaphor: Elsa's Journey of Self-Discovery
As mental health struggles are increasingly recognized and openly discussed, it is our responsibility to explore various avenues of self-expression and personal growth. One such avenue is through music, which has the power to captivate our emotions and convey profound messages. As a mom of two little girls, one song in particular has stood out to me as a powerful metaphor for the journey of coming off antidepressants and embracing one's true self—"Let It Go" from the Disney movie, Frozen. By examining the lyrics and underlying themes, we can draw parallels between the song and the experience of shedding the emotional numbing effects of medications, allowing ourselves to express and understand our true emotions.
A Journey Through Melodies: Unveiling the Emotional Impact of Music
Emotional Shield or Detachment? The Complex Role of Antidepressants
At times, medications can be a vital tool in managing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. For me personally, getting prescription medication while struggling with postpartum depression after my first daughter was born was life changing, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through without it. They offer relief, helping to alleviate symptoms and provide stability. However, they can also create a sense of emotional detachment, almost like a protective shield that hides our true feelings from the world. At the recommendation of my doctor, I stayed on my medication probably longer than I should have, and experienced what is referred to as “Emotional Blunting.” I couldn’t feel anything most days—I couldn’t laugh genuinely and couldn’t cry for anything at all. In "Let It Go," Elsa’s journey symbolizes this detachment and the desire to break free from the grip of suppression.
As the song progresses, Elsa sings, "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know." This line resonates with anyone who has experienced the numbing effect of antidepressants and the reason many of us take them in the first place. While these medications may provide temporary relief, they can also inhibit our ability to truly feel and understand our emotions. "Let It Go," encourages us to cast aside this emotional veil, allowing our hidden emotions to flow freely. It's a call to embrace vulnerability and experience the full range of human emotions, even if it means facing uncertainty and discomfort.
Navigating the Emotional Wilderness: Elsa's Struggles as a Mirror
The pivotal moment in the song comes when Elsa embraces her powers and sings, “It's time to see what I can do. To test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free." This powerful declaration reflects the transformative nature of expressing our true emotions. Just as Elsa finds liberation by accepting herself and her abilities, we too can experience personal growth by allowing our emotions to be heard and understood. Sharing our struggles and joys enables us to connect with others and forge deeper relationships. Through self-expression, we gain the strength to face life's challenges and better understand who we truly are.
Breaking Through the Icy Veil: The Liberating Cry for Authenticity
The journey of coming off antidepressants is often accompanied by a period of adjustment. It requires us to confront our suppressed emotions head-on, as Elsa does in "Let It Go." I remember blasting this song on the car stereo with my girls in the backseat with the windows down, emotions (and tears–finally!) free-flowing. I felt like I had been set free from a locked room for the first time in years. By embracing our true selves, we discover that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather a testament to our strength and resilience. It's an opportunity to develop a profound sense of self-acceptance and to explore our identity beyond the constraints of medication.
Unlocking the Emotional Journey: Echoes of Freedom and Self-Understanding
"Let It Go," from Frozen resonates with me as someone who has experienced the transformative journey of transitioning off mind-altering prescription drugs and embracing my true self. The song serves as a metaphor for shedding the emotional numbness brought about by medication and embracing the power of expressing one's emotions. By letting go of the need to conceal, we unlock our authentic selves and find strength, self-understanding, and a renewed sense of purpose. So, let us heed the message of "Let It Go" and embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing who we truly are, and embracing the power of our emotions.
Navigating the Path with Purpose
**For the record, I feel it is important to note that I was able to find a new doctor that was attentive enough to take more time to speak with me and address my concerns around Emotional Blunting. We both felt that it was beneficial for me to remain on some form of medication, but only if we were able to find a solution that didn’t give me the same numbing experience I had previously. I am happy to report that we found one that is working well for me, allowing me to feel all of my feelings in a healthy and authentic way. While I was off my medication, I was seeing a therapist weekly to ensure I was processing “the storm within” safely. We don’t have to look at things as an all-or-nothing situation. If you need help finding balance and don’t feel your medication is serving you, don’t hesitate to call your doctor and try something different; or, as I did, wean slowly and safely with your doctor’s instructions. Getting your feelings back can be scary at first but is so very worth it, I promise.
SN Newton is a mother, artist at Wished Upon Studio, and project manager/solutions tech with The Collab Team.
She is a proud Dis-nerd and Harry Potter lover, and loves to over-analyze plot points and metaphors within children’s movies and shows.